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What are the Worst Parts of Being a Surgeon?

I always thought of medicine as a noble profession, and still do. I grew up watching hit television shows such as ER and Grey’s Anatomy, and saw how the doctor characters performed life-saving procedures under intense pressure. I wanted to live that kind of heroism, so I decided to go to medical school and become …

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Is it Worth the Effort Going From Legal Secretary to Paralegal?

When it comes to working in the legal field that is not performed by a lawyer, there are two professions that come to mind. A paralegal and a legal secretary are the other two most common jobs you will see in a lawyer’s office or firm. The answer to the question is it worth going …

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Do First Year Lawyers Get their own Secretary? If not, When?

Have you ever wanted to be a lawyer, or do you consider yourself a fan of the law? Not me. However, I enjoy listening to attorneys, judges, prosecutors, and the defense dissecting the law. Sometimes, I don’t understand a thing of what they say. In this article, I want to dive into this question: do …

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Lawyer vs Paralegal

The terms “lawyers,” “attorneys,” and “paralegals” get bantered around as if there is no difference. Then some countries use the terms “barrister” and “solicitor.” Lastly, there are “legal assistants” and “legal secretaries.” What do all these terms mean? Are they essentially the same? For example, is there a difference between a lawyer and a paralegal? Lawyers …

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Working Conditions for Lawyers

The working conditions for lawyers haven’t changed much over the decades. You’re still going to work incredibly long hours. Yes, technology has increased workspace mobility to access legal information. However, you still have to put in the 50+ hours a week. Curious to know how these conditions change across lawyers’ specializations? Depending on the lawyer’s …

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What are the Worst Aspects of Being in University?

Relationship woes, financial hardships, and misguided decision-making are a few things that could convince me to think college was the worst years of my life. Seriously, universities should come with a cautionary disclaimer to warn you that: One in four students attending university is lacking sleep Student loans on average take 20 years to pay …

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13 Different Types of Jobs for Biology Majors

Studying biology is one of the best decisions you will make. The benefits of understanding how the world around you works are endless. The sheer delight in discovering new species, understanding behaviors, and correlating genetics with evolutionary success are unrivaled. However, once you’ve completed your degree, what types of jobs are available for biology majors? …

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14 Different Types of Jobs for Mechanical Engineers (Career Opportunities)

When you start studying to be an engineer, you may find yourself wondering what engineers are doing. When looking at mechanical engineering, it can be pretty overwhelming when you have to choose what you will specialize in once you have your degree. The most common type of job for mechanical engineers is just being mechanical …

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8 Different Types of Jobs for Animators (Career Opportunities)

Animation is a fun and rewarding career path for anyone interested in art, design, or illustration. When you think of the word ‘animator,’ you may not think beyond an artist that creates cartoons or 3D models for film and television. But animation has a lot more to offer than what meets the eye. Many different …

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